
(No Scheduled Offerings)

  • Mindful Parenting

    A live 8-week course

    Next Offering: TBD

    Participants will develop a personal meditation practice, build compassion for themselves and their children, and gain tools for skillful communication inside the family and out.

    What’s included:

    8 weeks of in-person group sessions filled with instruction, practice, and coaching

    A comprehensive workbook to guide you every step of the way

    The book Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields

    Access to Mindful Parenting Membership online resources

    A loving, supportive community of like-minded parents!

    Total Cost: $350*

    *See Sliding Scale Pricing Policy for More Information

  • Peacefully Parenting Gifted Children

    A virtual 9-week course

    Next Offering: TBD

    This online course will be a deep dive into supporting gifted children in a peaceful, responsive, and affirming manner. Informed by the work of Drs. Laura Markham, Mona Delahooke, and Gordon Neufeld, this course will explore polyvagal theory, overexcitabilities and other, often overlooked aspects of giftedness, attachment and right relationship, the roles of feelings and play in human development, and “just right challenges.”

    Course consists of 9 one-hour sessions (1 per week), including 6 “lectures” and 3 integration and coaching sessions where you can get your questions answered and support in implementing these ideas with your family.

    Total Cost: $250 per family*

    *See Sliding Scale Pricing Policy for More Information

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