Sliding Scale Pricing and Accessibility

I believe that parenting can change the world and that, as such, all parents should have access to high-quality support.

In an effort to make my services accessible to parents in a variety of economic situations, I offer them at multiple price points from (nearly) free to fair market value. Prices on these pages represent fair market value, but potential clients who feel that they need a discount are welcome to use a discount code based on the following criteria:

If you fall between two or more of these levels , I encourage you to reflect on what level of investment makes you feel joyful and not stressed and determine your level of investment accordingly, but if you are still unsure, I am happy to discuss your situation with you and help you find what feels right to you. If you feel that your situation warrants a further reduction in price, please contact me so that we can work together to determine the right price for you.

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