Still not sure whether I’m the right coach for you?

Check out what past clients have to say about their experience!

“Heidi is direct and compassionate in her approach to parents. Working with her, I felt understood and gained valuable insight into how to be the answer for my son—including concrete steps I could take to make it happen.”

~Sonia, Mother of three kids (ages 5, 7, & 10)

“Before working with Heidi, peaceful parenting had become a chore that I just couldn’t do right. I knew that parenting could bring me more joy, but not if I kept trying to do it on my own. With Heidi’s nonjudgmental support, I realized that I didn’t need to completely revamp my approach; I just needed to implement the small, feasible changes she suggested each session to lessen the challenges I was facing and increase the connection and joy in our home.”

~Mother of a 5 and an 8 year old

“Sometimes, as parents, we want answers to our questions and quick fixes to our problems. Heidi doesn’t just provide the answers, though. She is a very committed, diligent, knowledgeable, and insightful coach who combines valuable information with a space for introspection so that you can reflect on your parenting and find your own way. For me, this led to an increase of awareness that changed the tenor of my interactions with my daughters for the better.”

~Mother of a 5 and a 10 year old

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